Constructing a clear message and presenting your project in short format to reach-out to the right investors is an important skill for any startup looking to raise. Here, I will run through how to identify investors that make an ideal fit, where to find them, as well as how to approach and covert these leads.

🕵️‍♀️ Identify and Source

The best place to start is within your network and close contacts. Think friends/family, other founders, advisors, or even clients/partners. The more you can activate your network to get access to warm introductions, the better.

<aside> 💡 Tip: Carefully select and focus on the top-quality contacts that are most relevant to your business and growth strategy. There needs to be a level of synergy between what they want and what you have to offer.


Online databases can be a great place to start if you don't know any investors (i.e. Signal, OpenVC, Crunchbase, Messari). Note that some of these platforms have limited free access and it can be difficult to sort through an abundance of information if you do not know where to start.

Some ideas and suggestions to get started:

📬 Cold Messaging

If you are unable to get a warm introduction, cold messaging can be an effective way to get in touch with your ideal investor. This option should be considered as a second resort and approached with care.

Investment teams review hundreds of deals everyday, so do not expect to hear back right away and/or receive comprehensive feedback.

1. Research - Only target investors where there are clear synergies

2. Communication Channels

Unless you have their personal contact details, avoid sending emails to a general inbox